System Integration

Our experienced team of specialists provides IT system integration services that enable disparate computer systems to exchange data in real-time.

Computer System Integration Services is the process of integrating subcomponent systems into functional systems. This process combines physical components such as machine systems and computer hardware with virtual components such as data, software, and applications. Our system integration services provide businesses with the connectivity they need to address any software or hardware challenges that may arise over time.

What are the benefits of IT integration services?

For more information on why system integration is important, see our blog post on the subject.


Computer System Integration Service

Many of our customers have an extensive collection of best-of-breed software applications to drive their business operations. These applications rarely communicate well with each other, making it difficult for customers to get a “single version of the truth” about the operational health of their business and their customers’ status. We develop software that provides behind-the-scenes “plumbing” between applications. View our case studies to see our computer systems integration services in action.
Visit our blog to learn more about the different ways we offer system integration services. It covers all aspects of IT integration, from using digital platforms to using legacy systems to using cloud solutions and other services such as IoT.

If you are looking for computer system integration services and would like to discuss your business needs with a Tek-AI consultant, contact us today.  

Blockchain Consulting Service

Leverage the expertise and deep technical background of the brightest expert to solve the toughest technical challenges and gain the skills needed to dominate his blockchain space. Our comprehensive blockchain consulting services enable organizations to achieve lasting performance gains and innovate more sustainably in the technology space.

Our Blockchain Consulting Service

Our blockchain consultants understand your project’s unique needs and help identify the right blockchain protocol for your business case. We have helped startups and companies succeed with training workshops, prototype designs, and blockchain proofs-of-concept.



As companies grow and evolve, the business applications and software they use lag behind new business realities. To remain relevant and competitive, companies must modernize their technology, but often Fear of change and destruction of existing technology. You face the dilemma of choosing the right time to modernize. Fear the high-risk factors and large investments that come with introducing new technology.

Digi code’s technology modernization consulting services help companies answer these and many other technology modernization questions to accelerate their digital transformation.

Our proven approach to technology software modernization helps companies modernize without surprises and without the risk of disrupting work processes. Our software technology modernization experts advise and help you implement new business models, increase productivity, ease of use, and efficiency, and discover new opportunities with global distribution. Connect with technology modernization experts in the United States.